Drinking tea has long been a favourite pass time for many. Its part of our Chinese culture, a very important part indeed. Tea drinking culture has been here since the arrival of the Chinese immigrant,but lately this culture has been revived with many eateries mushroming around town i.e Purple Cane. But at this particular restaurant, its concept is slightly different from PC as they dont cook their dishes with tea,here they would recommend the dishes you ordered to go with your favourite choice of tea or the other way round. In simple say, tea takes the centre stage here..also not forgetting the good food.
On my last visit, we had this 'special order' of a simple food from the good old days which you would hardly find nowadays anywhere...not to mention unhealthy. Claypot rice with pork lards oil !!!! First the pork fat is fried in wok to retrieve the oil and later fried ' Chu Yau Char' !! Then the rice is cooked in a claypot to retain all the good taste as well as for the slightly burnt crust beneath, then a raw egg is added in and mix together with the lard oil and the fried porks skin and finally seasoned with some soya sauce..........taste once and you would want more !!!!!