Friday, 29 August 2008
Alternative sites for Malaysia Today
In the event that MCMC decides to further implement a full blocking of websites or blogs not friendly to UMNO/BN, the followings can be used as an effective way to circumvent internet censorship:
1. Accessing a mirror site
2. Using a non-censoring DNS-server
3. Using a non-censoring proxy server
1. Access a mirror site
For instance, Malaysia Today can still be accessed at this moment at . Using mirror sites may not be effective as they may start blocking these sites too.
2. Using a non-censoring DNS-server
Change your DNS to OpenDNS server or .
Click for more info on how to set DNS.
3. Using a non-censoring proxy server
(i) Proxy Sites
More effectively, this blocking can be circumvented by surfing through a proxy sites, such as:
There are many proxy sites available, just google for them.
(ii) Proxy Tunnelling Software
Another better and most effective way to circumvent internet censor is by using Ultrasurf. It is developed by the people against internet censorship in China. It enables users inside countries with heavy Internet censorship to visit any public web sites in the world safely and freely while it automatically searches the highest speed proxy servers in the background.
Download Ultrasurf software from:
Then extract the file and run, that's it.
If you are using browser other than IE, then you have to manually change your proxy IP address to with port :9666 .
(iii) TOR and TOR based browsers
For those who are more IT savvy, they can try TOR. TOR based browsers are also available, such as xb Browser and OperaTor. But TOR solution tends to give slower internet surfing experience.
Say NO to internet censorship.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Malaysia Today website blocked !!!
It reads :-
All 21 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country have been ordered by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to block the controversial Malaysia Today website, an industry source revealed.
The notices were sent out on Tuesday in accordance with Section 263 of the Communications and Multimedia Act.
“This means that MCMC is allowed to block any particular website which has committed acts that contravene the local laws of the country, for example, sedition,” the source said.
Meanwhile, Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin lashed out against the blocking of the online portal, saying it was a breach of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) charter.
Under the MSC Malaysia 10-Point Bill of Guarantees, it is stated that as part of its commitment to ensuring the success of MSC Status companies, the Government promised to “ensure no Internet censorship”.
“The Government has clearly broken its own promise,” said Raja Petra yesterday. Asked whether he was notified of the reasons of the blocking, he answered no.
“I will turn this into a big issue, no doubt. When it is known that the Government has violated the charter, MSC will die. I will personally see to it,” he said.
TMnet, the country's biggest ISP, Maxis and Time refused to comment.
However, at 11.30pm, a check by The Star found that Malaysia Today has launched a mirror site which can be easily access.Source : The Star.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
DSAI press statement
--- Kenyataan Media ----
Allah memberikan kita kejayaan. Kemenangan ini merupakan saat penentu dan bakal menentukan hala tuju negara ini.
Saya berkongsi kegembiraan yang dirasai oleh semua rakyat Malaysia pada hari bersejarah ini. Ianya merupakan kemenangan buat rakyat.
Pada 8 Mac rakyat Malaysia memilih Harapan Baru. Hari ini di saat kita bakal menyambut hari kemerdekaan, rakyat menyahut seruan tersebut. Dengan ini kita merayakant hari kemerdekaan sepertimana pendiri-pendiri negara kita inginkan-sebuah negara dan rakyat yang bersatu.
Berhadapan dengan cabaran yang getir, kita memilih untuk menumpukan perhatian kepada isu yang berkaitan dengan negara ini. Seruan kita agar negara ini bersatu, mulai mengamalkan urus tadbir yang baik dan memperkasakan ekonomi telah menguburkan kempen yang berbaur perkauman, cita-cita individu yang sering mendapat habuan hasil dari penyalahgunaan kuasa dan eksploitasi politik yang berasaskan ketakutan serta penipuan.
Kami telah menjanjikan satu lembaran baru untuk Malaysia dan kami pasti akan melaksanakan janji kami. Kami akan melaksanakan Agenda Ekonomi Malaysia untuk memulihkan keadaan eknomi kita, membasmi kemiskinan dan membantu sesiapa sahaja yang terpinggir tanpa berasaskan kaum. Kami akan memulihkan intergriti badan kehakiman, memerangi rasuah dan membina sebuah negara yang bersatu.
Dan kami akan menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang komited untuk merealisasikan aspirasi rakyat.
Dengan kejayaan 8 Mac dan juga kemenangan malam ini saya berani untuk menegaskan kita mampu bersama-sama menghadapi segala rintangan di masa hadapan.
Kami tidak akan menang tanpa dokongan kukuh dari rakan-rakan kami dalam Pakatan Rakyat dan juga sokongan ribuan rakyat Malaysia tidak kira samada Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan, yang datang ke Permatang Pauh, bekerja keras, memerah keringat serta mengirim doa demi memastikan kemenangan ini. Saya sangat menghargai keberanian, tekad dan kesungguhan kamu semua; saya mengucapkan tahniah terhadap komitmen saudara semua terhadap prinsip bersama sebuah kemerdekaan, keadilan dan demokrasi.
Langkah kecil buat Permatang Pauh hari ini akan memastikan perubahan besar buat Malaysia.
We won! And our victory is decisive and overwhelming.
I share in the joy felt by all Malaysians on this historic day. This is a victory for the people. And it’s great to be back!
On March 8th Malaysians voted for a New Dawn. Today, on the eve of our independence day, we have reasserted that call. We celebrate our nation’s independence in the spirit that our founding fathers intended - a nation of one and a people united.
In the face of the greatest adversity, our campaign focused on the issues that matter to Malaysians. Our calls for national unity, good governance and a vibrant democracy have silenced the voices of racist chanting, those who profit from the abuse of power and exploit the politics of fear and deceit.
We have promised a New Dawn for Malaysia and we will deliver on our promise. We will forge ahead on our Malaysian Economic Agenda to revive the economy, and to uplift the poor and the marginalized of all races. We will restore the integrity of the judiciary, fight corruption and build a truly unified nation.
We will be a government that is totally committed to realizing the people’s aspirations.
With the success of the eight of March and tonight’s resounding victory, I daresay we are indeed ready to face the challenges of the future, together.
We could not have won without the firm, unwavering support of our friends in the Pakatan Rakyat and the tens of thousands of Malaysians – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadhazans - who have come to Permatang Pauh to work hard for this victory. I truly appreciate your courage, conviction and valour; and congratulate your commitment to our shared principles of freedom, justice and democracy.
This may be one small step for Permatang Pauh but one giant leap for the people of Malaysia.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Welcome back Datuk Seri !!!!!!!

DSAI returns to Parliament in style by defeating the hell out of white haired man by a majority of 15,671 votes !!!
Final EC tally -
1.Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (KeADILan) 31,195 votes
2.Hanafi Mamat (AKIM) 92 votes
3.Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah (BN)15,524 votes
Total votes : 47,258
% of registered votes voted: 81 %
Spoilt votes: 447 votes
Majority: 15,671 votes
For the record, Anwar's wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, won the seat with a 13,388 majority at the March 8 general election.
Once again well done DSAI. Welcome back !!!
We shall wait and see 916......the day Malaysia meets its saviour !!
Sunday, 24 August 2008
7-Eleven , open 24 hours ?????
7-Eleven , your friendly neighbourhood convenience stalls that never close ??I dont think so.
Took this picture in Sentul's Business Centre, when i need to get down to get 'something' on a Saturday night at about 3am. Not even one soul is in sight !!!!! I waited like 5 minutes like a sochai outside calling out thatI wanted to buy something....all I get was just total silence.
Hatyai Trip ............
We usually drive up,but this time we tried taking a bus for the 10 hours journey. Its really worth it giving its only cost RM60/way .
This famous family restaurant comes highly recommended in my must-do list each time we visit Hatyai. They serves authentic Thai dishes with a very affordable price. Just hop on any tuk tuk and tell them Kan Eng for an experience you would never regret !!
Total bill for 10 dishes for our family of 10 only comes to B1200 !! The fried omellete ishighly recommended. We had 2 of this !!